Does your thesis have a connection to Lahti? Could it have one? Lahti University Campus grants 500-euro start-up grants for the early stages of thesis work for University of Helsinki and LUT University students.

The prerequisite is that the thesis (Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis or dissertation) is planned or started in cooperation with a company or organization in the Lahti region, or that the thesis is in some other way beneficial to the region.

The purpose of the start-up grant is to help get you started. You can use the money (for example) for travels to Lahti, contacting, or other kind of planning.

You can get help from the Lahti University Campus to find local partners.


Deadline for applications is September 30. Apply using this form:

The decision on the start-up money will be made approximately within a month from the deadline. In case we get a lot of applications we will prioritize thesis work done in Lahti and/or theses that are on their early stages.

We will feature the recipients in our social media channels.

Further information

specialist Ilmari Pirkkamaa, Lahti University Campus
+358 50 465 5468

secretary general Minna-Maija Salomaa, Lahti University Campus
+358 50 595 8953

The Niemi Campus in Lahti is home to a science community of international standing, which is formed by some 250 experts from the University of Helsinki and LUT University. It conducts multidisciplinary, international-level research and provides comprehensive teaching from degree training to science education. The university campus interacts with the surrounding society and promotes the development of the area.