Studies on offer

The Lahti University Campus offers a wide range of studies for various needs. These include degree education, open university studies, continuing education, MOOCs and support for the development of study skills.

Degree education

LUT University offers thirteen master’s programmes and three bachelor’s programmes in Lahti. The master’s programmes are offered to students who hold a relevant bachelor’s degree from a university or a university of applied sciences. Two of the bachelor’s programmes are international double degree programmes developed in cooperation with Hebei University of Technology (HEBUT) in China. Students will receive a degree certificate from two universities after they have fulfilled the degree requirements of both universities. Some of the programs are in English, click a name of a program below to see more information.

Bachelor of Science in Technology programmes:
Energy Technology (in English)
Industrial Engineering and Management (in English)
Software and Systems Engineering (in English)

Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration programmes:
Strateginen myynti
Tietojohtaminen ja johtajuus

Master of Science in Technology:
Management of Organisational Development (in English)
Yrittäjyys ja yrityksen johtaminen
Tuotantotalous TUDI
Industrial Design Engineering (in English)
Mechatronics (in English)
Electric Transportation Systems (in English)
Software Product Management and Business (in English)
Digital Systems and Service Development (in English)
Circular Economy (in English)
Sustainable Biomass and Bioproducts Engineering (in English)
Biorefineries (in English)

Read more about the master’s programmes offered at LUT University.

It is also possible to pursue licentiate and doctoral studies related to the fields of professorships at the Lahti University Campus.

Open university studies

Open university studies are available to all, irrespective of age, basic education and goals. The studies follow the degree requirements of the relevant university and are equivalent to basic university education in terms of their learning outcomes, content and level of qualifications. At an open university, you can complete individual courses or larger study modules.

The University of Helsinki and LUT University offer open university education in Lahti area mostly by online studies. Päijät-Häme Summer University and Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts provide access to open university studies offered also by other Finnish higher education institutions and organize contact teaching.

The University of Helsinki’s open university studies

LUT University’s open university studies

Open university education at Päijät-Häme Summer University
Open university education at Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts

You can also use the national Studyinfo service to find studies. Open university education in Lahti

Continuing education

Universities provide continuing education that is designed to meet the needs of workplaces, focus on specific topics or target specific professions. One of the key goals is to update and expand the participants’ professional competence. Where possible, continuing education is organised so that it can be completed alongside work or as part of work.

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+
Continuing education provided by LUT University

Support for study skills

The Lahti University Campus and LAB University of Applied Sciences jointly organise open and free events in Lahti focusing on the development of study skills. An online course on study skills is also available.


A MOOC, short for massive open online course, is usually openly accessible to everyone. MOOCs offer a form of study that is independent of time and location and is equally well suited to participants looking to expand their professional competence and participants who want to learn for the sake of learning.

Read more about the education on offer




Niemen kampus
Niemenkatu 73 (B-osa), 15140 Lahti
Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti


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