Science community on the Niemi Campus

The Niemi Campus in Lahti is home to a unique science community of international standing, which is formed by more than 200 experts from the University of Helsinki and LUT University. The universities offer complementary competence in the region, especially related to the research and development of urban environments and their business and industry.

Long-term cooperation with the surrounding society and its various actors forms a central part of the universities’ operations in Lahti. Cooperation has been promoted, for example, by engaging in numerous research and development projects with partners in Päijät-Häme and by introducing new education opportunities in the region.

The universities’ operations in Lahti are closely related to the operations on their other campuses. Close ties to larger operations and international expert networks enable ambitious and high-quality research, development and education activities on the Niemi Campus.

Further information

Research conducted by the University of Helsinki in Lahti and Research conducted by LUT University in Lahti

Professorships in Lahti

University of Helsinki

Faculty of Arts

Arto Haapala, Professor of Aesthetics

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Ian MacGregor Fors, Professor of Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Martin Romantschuk, Professor of Environmental Biotechnology (emeritus)
Heikki Setälä, Professor of Urban Ecosystem Studies (emeritus)

Faculty of Forestry and Agriculture

Matti Kuronen, Professor of practice, Business and innovations in sustainable wood construction

Faculty of Medicine

Kaisa Hartikainen, Professor of Neurology
Kari Tikkinen, Professor of Urology

Faculty of Science

Michael Boy, Professor of Atmospheric Modeling and Applied Mathematics, joint professorship with LUT University
Tom Jilbert, Associate Professor of Environmental Geochemistry (affiliated researcher, home campus Helsinki)

Faculty of Social Sciences

Ilkka Pietilä, Assistant Professor

LUT University

LUT School of Engineering Sciences

Computational and Process Engineering
Professor Michael Boy, atmospheric modelling and applied mathematics, joint professorship with the University of Helsinki
Professor Jari Hämäläinen, industrial mathematics

Industrial Engineering and Management
Professor Vesa Harmaakorpi, industrial engineering and management, especially innovation systems
Professor Tuomo Uotila, innovation management
Professor Timo Pihkala, management and organizations, especially entrepreneurship
Professor Helinä Melkas, industrial engineering and management, especially service innovations
Professor Hannu Rantanen, industrial engineering and management, especially industrial economics
Associate Professor Minna Saunila, industrial engineering and management, sustainable global production systems
Professor Juhani Ukko, performance management
Associate Professor Satu Pekkarinen, industrial engineering and management, socio-technical transition in services
Associate Professor Lobna Hassan, industrial engineering and management, socio-technical transition in services

Professor of Practice Harri Koponen

Professor Panja Luukka, technical physics, particle physics instrumentation
Professori Henning Kirschenmann, applied physics, experimental particle physics

Software Engineering
Professor Sami Hyrynsalmi, software engineering, especially modern software
Professor Maria Paasivaara, empirical software engineering
Associate Professor Tuukka Ruotsalo, information systems and services development
Associate Professor Dominik Siemon, information systems and services development

Separation Science
Professor Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri, separation technology of bioprocessing
Professor Tuomas Koiranen, process systems in chemical engineering
Associate Professor Rama Layek, biopolymers and their production
Associate Professor Kristian Melin, process and plant design for bioprocessing
Professor Tuomo Sainio, separation technology of bioprocessing

LUT School of Energy Systems

Associate Professor Tiina Häyhä, sustainability science, in particular fair transition in socio-technical systems
Professor Lassi Linnanen, environmental engineering, environmental economics and environmental management
Associate Professor Jarkko Levänen, sustainability science, new socio-ecological models
Professor Ville Uusitalo, sustainability, circular economy, especially transport
Professor Lassi Aarniovuori, electronic transport
Associate Professor Grzegorz Orzechowski, sustainable mechatronics

LUT Business School

Knowledge Management
Professor Aino Kianto, knowledge management
Associate Professor Henri Hussinki, business analytics, especially analytics-based business models

Associate Professor Pia Hautamäki, sales and customer relations
Associate Professor Jenni Sipilä, marketing, especially customer and consumer behaviour in the digital environment
Associate Professor Jarkko Niemi, sales management

Professor of Practice Jussi Rissanen, marketing
Professor of Practice Sami Sykkö



Niemen kampus
Niemenkatu 73 (B-osa), 15140 Lahti
Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti


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