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Aquatic Ecotoxicology in an Urban Perspective – LAHTI BOOTCAMP
2.5.2018 klo 09:00 - 6.5.2018 klo 16:00
Bootcamp is held 02. May – 06. May 2018 by University of Helsinki, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Ecosystem and Environment Research Programme. Bootcamp is in Lahti city.
What is this Bootcamp week about?
Within this intensive week, our students will learn the basics in Ecotoxicology in an aquatic environment focussing on urban perspectives (e.g. microplastics or pharmaceuticals).
The programme includes interesting lectures, and nature walks, as well as Ecotox Hackathrons as dynamic group work and short Pecha Kucha presentations.
As evening programme the „Easy Listening Environmental Evenings“ are given by Prof. Dr. Stephan Pflugmacher Lima, reading chapters of the book „The Silent Spring“ written by Rachel Carson.
Boot camp is for primary for Master students of University of Helsinki. Accomodation and travel to and from Lahti is arranged and covered by the University of Helsinki.
Facebook: ecotox boot camp