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Dissertation in Lahti
8.6.2012 klo 12:00 - 16:00
Lahti Cleantech Park, Niemenkatu 73
Licentiate in Biology Jessica Linnaluoma´s dissertation on environmental ecology has title Factors controlling carbon gas fluxes in boreal lakes
Licentiate in Biology Jessica Linnaluoma´s dissertation will take place in the University of Helsinki Department of Environmental Sciences, Lahti on 8th June, 2012 at 12 noon. Lahti Cleantech Park, Auditorium Aalto, Niemenkatu 73.
Title of thesis: Factors controlling carbon gas fluxes in boreal lakes
Opponent: Dr. Pirkko Kortelainen, Finnish Environment Institute
Research Programme for Global Change
Custos: Prof. Jorma Kuparinen
Department of Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Helsinki
See further information: jessica.lopezbellido(at)helsinki.fi
tel. 0504397190
Abstract in English and Finnish http://hdl.handle.net/10138/33537.
Lue Helsingin yliopiston tiedote Ilmastonmuutos lisää kasvihuonekaasujen vapautumista suomalaisista järvistä